Welcome, I’m new here to.

Even as a young child I always enjoyed thinking about the future. Thinking about the possibilities. I would imagine myself in a world of high-tech gadgetry that would allow me talk to my friends over long distances, carry video games in my pocket or even take a trip into space as easily as I would take a trip to the park. It seems that time is here. Everyday I hear about something that contributes to the future world of my childhood imagination. Because of the rapid pace of innovation in technology, our lives are being transformed on a near-daily basis. My future postings will speak to that end. As I find new and interesting things that potentially will impact how we carry on in our daily routines I will share my thoughts and look forward to hearing yours. We as a society are in a very extraordinary time in human history and are in a unique position, as compared to our ancestors, to have great impact on the future of our world. Whether it be positive or negative, the choice is ours…
In any case, Welcome to my blog.

See ya in the future.